Mosaic is for the nations because we believe in the call that Jesus gave us in Acts 1:8:

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

We have strategically chosen to emphasize India in our Global Missions efforts because God has given us opportunities to network with amazing people who have a desire to see the Gospel transform their area, and He has given us the resources to come along side them.

We are partnering with the leader of Truth Mission to help support, train and encourage pastors to start Churches and to reproduce themselves as leaders.  Connected to this ministry are great opportunities to care for some of the poorest children in the world and to help restore families that have been broken by the commercial sex trade.

In addition, we are helping with the vision of the IMB to share the Gospel in some of the most unreached places in India.  

We send at least one team per year to help to advance our mission in India and are connecting with other Church's that share our passion for this mission.

IMB partners with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are evangelizing, discipling, planting, and multiplying healthy churches, and training leaders among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God. For more information please visit